Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 12 Blog

The first podcast I listened to was 'Mathematics with Technology' hosted by Judy Chandler of Maine University. According to Judy, some math teachers are reluctant to use technology in their classrooms because it is too time consuming. Others feel that technology isn't necessary; that you are going to have students who 'just don't get it'. Judy stresses that the use of technology is essential in the classroom. She says that it enhances students' learning and engages them.

The second podcast I listened to was 'Thinking Mathematically' also hosted by Judy Chandler. In this podcast she re-emphasizes the importance of technology in the mathematics classroom. Students are engaged instead of memorizing steps from their texts that they will, more than likely, forget after a while. They go beyond their textbook and incorporate skills and techniques that will help them succeed.

I believe that technology is essential in the classroom. If we do not embrace technology today, we will be left in the dust tomorrow! We owe it to our students (or future students) to provide them with the best possible education. I feel that it is impossible to truly provide that without technology.

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