Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 7 Blog

For this assignment I listened to several podcasts.

The first set of podcasts I listened to was Smart Board Lessons hosted by Ben Hazzard and Joan Badger. They discussed the importance and resourcefulness of the use of Smart Boards in classrooms today. They had comments from students whose teachers had implemented Smart Boards in their classrooms. It also gave you advice and instructions on setting the Boards up and what to include in them.

The second set of podcasts I listened to was Kid Cast. This podcast actually had kids doing podcasts on particular topics. The third set of podcasts I listened to were Connect Learning hosted by David Warlick. He discussed many topics. My favorite was 'What is the purpose of Education?'. I also listened to a couple of EdTech talk podcasts which are hosted by Susan Van Gelder. These were podcasts of teachers discussing the latest technologies and strategies that help us provide our students the quality learning that they deserve. I also listened to MacBreak weekly and This Week in Photography.

There were a couple of podcasts that I checked out on my own. One was a series of podcasts called Study Cast hosted by Mr. Brent Coley. This was my favorite. In his podcasts, he discusses what he is teaching in the classroom. He even 'walks' them through the lessons, providing outlines that they can get online or from him in class. His students can listen to the lessons, go along with him using the outlines, once, twice or however many times they need to until they've truly 'got it'! I want to do this for my students!

Another series of podcasts that I checked out is Teaching Tips by Teachtopia hosted by Sabrina Weissler. These tips are for teachers and parents. There is so much information out there. Podcasting is definitely going to be a useful tool in classrooms today and in the future.


  1. Good job Jennifer. I look forward to hearing your Podcast next week.

  2. Hey Jennifer, I enjoyed reading your blog. I'll have to look up the teaching tips podcast and check it out. I'm excited about our podcast next week!!
