Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 10 Blog

I listened to Willowcast #18/Radio WillowWeb, a podcast from Willow Elementary School. This podcast was given by first graders and was hosted by a six-year-old boy named Nick. It was about our solar system. They started out the podcast by talking about Mars then moved on to Venus and the other planets. They also talked about the moon, the stars and the sun.

These children completely blew me away with their grasp on the knowledge; they really 'got it'! I found myself excited and a bit jealous! When I was little, we didn't start learning about the solar system until about third grade. Back then, focus was on the three 'R's... reading, writing and arithmetic. I wish I'd been exposed to that kind of knowledge when I was their age.

Podcasts are amazing tools. I can just imagine my students' excitement upon hearing their own voices when listening to their podcast online! An advantage of a podcast is that you hear what your students have learned. You know they've 'got it'. A disadvantage of podcasts is that not every child has access to the technology outside of the classroom.

I will implement podcasts in my classroom. I want to do podcasts performed by my students and podcasts that I will personally perform to help my students with their lessons, homework, and preparation for tests.


  1. Great post,

    And you're right, All children should have access to these technologies outside of the classroom. Some would argue that there's the local library, but how many would not have a ride to the library to use the computer? I think there are too many educators who are not understanding of certain circumstances that inhibit some of these children. Understanding and compassion should be a character trait that all eductors should possess.
    Good job Jennifer!
